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Website Sponsored In Honor Of: Rabbi Phil Karesh, Shlita

Game On!

Tu B'shvat - Bloom & Bond

RSVP TODAY! - Must RVSP by Feb 3

Marriage Pro Weekend - February 14-16


Mikor Charity 


Please consider donating to the Rabbi's Discretionary Fund to help families from our community.

Please note our new simplified Charity Fund page

Click Here to Donate

Monthly Sponsors

We would like to express our appreciation to all our members with a special thank you to this month's Kollel Boker and Ner Lamaor Sponsors. 

Thank You!



Even though Rosh Hashana has passed, it's never too late to join the Mikor family!

Click here to become a member today.

Daily Shiurim at Mikor

The New Mikor Shas Kollel has Started!

Weekly Thursday Night Mishmar

Sign up HERE

Recording of Past  Yarchei Kallah 

Civilian Casualties in War - by Rabbi Reiss

Resources for the Matzav in Eretz Yisroel

Dear Kehilla,

The following are some resources that you may find helpful during this challenging time. If there is anything that we can do to help you or your family specifically, please be in touch directly.

May we be zoche to see a refuah shleimah of the injured, a speedy and safe return of the captives, and the complete safety and security of the IDF soldiers and all of the civilians of Eretz Yisroel.


Rabbi Moshe Schecter and Rabbi Yaakov Robinson

  • Rabbi Robinson's Shabbos Drasha Diveri Chizuk (Recorded on Motzei Shabbos)


  • As a kehilla we are aiming to finish 1,000+ Perakim of Tehillim every day. Please take the perek after the previous one listed and share with the group: Mikor Tehillim Group
  • Please also join our Machsom L’fi Initiative by committing to avoid Lashon Hara for at least one hour a day. The Rabbanim will also b”n post a recording of daily Shemiras Halashon lesson. Machsom L'fi Sign up



For this week's Bulletin & Schedule, Click Here. 

Tue, February 11 2025 13 Shevat 5785