Choose Your Seats
Please complete the section below to ensure seating accommodations are made for everyone in your family/group.
Name - Enter each person in your group on a separate line. For additional lines, increase the number of additional seats specified above. Location - Select the location - men or women section, or Early Minyan. When - Please let us know if you will be here for both Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Seating Selection Notes - Seating requests, etc. Please indicate any requests for seats as e.g. 'A1', 'U2' front, back, etc. Please note that while we will try, we cannot guarantee that your request will be met. Please understand that we frequently reach full capacity on the Yomim Noraim. Please be mindful of this and only request as many seats as you realistically plan on using. If you plan on using all the seats that you are entitled to, we are excited to accommodate all of your requests. Please note: Early Minyan is open seating
Seating Charts: Men Women