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Our Rabbeim










Rabbi Schecter

Rabbi Moishe Schecter was born in Montreal, Canada and learned in South Fallsburg, New York, Brisk in Eretz Yisroel and Lakewood, where he received his smicha.

Rabbi Schecter moved to Chicago in 1998 to do outreach, and has been a Rebbi in the Skokie Yeshiva since 2000.

In 1999, along with 8 baalei batim, he founded Beis Medrash Mikor Hachaim as a night seder program for college students and young professionals. Since then, the Beis Medrash has grown to a full service makom torah with minyanim and shiurim throughout the day and over 100 member families. Much of this growth can be attributed to Rabbi Schecter’s efforts and his ability to bring an element of simcha, excitement and chassidic flavor in Avodas Hashem. Rabbi Schecter creates the warm and welcoming atmosphere that makes Mikor such an attractive location to come learn and daven.

At Mikor, Rabbi Schecter gives many shiurim on halacha, Tanach and Parsha. He also runs the annual Summer Program for over 100 high school and college age boys, a program that is one of the “crown jewels” of Mikor.

Rebbizten Rivkie (nee Finkelstein) Schecter is originally from Montreal, and is a Morah at Yeshivas Ohr Boruch/The Veitzener Cheder. From the beginning of Mikor she has been very involved in the growth of the shul with her warm personality, by giving shiurim, and by having countless married and single guests for Shabbos meals.

Rabbi and Rebbitzen Schecter have 4 children.



















Rabbi Robinson

Rabbi Yaakov Robinson, a Chicago native, is a musmach of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore. After several years in Kollel in Baltimore, his family joined the Cincinnati Community Kollel in 2006 and was a member there for 5 years. In Cincinnati, Rabbi Robinson was also the assistant Rabbi of Congregation Zichron Eliezer for two years and an active member of the Chevra Kadisha.

Rabbi Robinson joined Mikor Hachaim as Co-Rav in 2011. Since then, he has used his unique personality and leadership skills to help the kehilla grow to where it is today. At Mikor, Rabbi Robinson learns one-on-one with many individuals and he gives several weekly shiurim, including shiurim on shalom bayis, chinuch, practical halacha and a popular shiur that gives an in depth analysis of topics in halacha. Rabbi Robinson also founded and runs the Zichron Avraham Gershon Kollel Boker, and he gives regular shiurim to the women of the kehilla.

When he moved to Chicago he was a Rebbi in Arie Crown Hebrew Day School for 3 years and he has been the Executive Director of the Midwest Agudas Yisroel Council of Synagogue Rabbonim since 2013. In addition, he is on the Orthodox Rabbinic Task Force for SHALVA, and a member of the Vaad Hachinuch for JDBY-YTT.  As of 2018, Rabbi Robinson also gives multiple weekly chaburahs at Beis Medrash L'Torah (HTC). 

Rabbi Robinson is a sought after speaker that has lectured in many shuls, schools, conventions and other events nationally. In addition, he is the author of many works on halacha. Rabbi Robinson is known for his warm and caring personality and is often looked to by individuals, couples, families and community institutions for his assistance, guidance and counsel. 

Rebbetzin Atara (nee' Tajerstein) Robinson is originally from Baltimore and is currently the Business Office manager for Arie Crown Hebrew Day School. She is very involved in the Women's Programming and the Youth Committee of the Beis Medrash, she hosts many guests on Shabbos and she is sought after by the women of the Kehilla for her friendship and guidance.

Rabbi and Rebbitzen Robinson have 6 children. 


Executive Director

























Rabbi Katz

Rabbi Shmuel Katz was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. After graduating from YULA, he embarked on an intensive journey of Torah learning that took him to Eretz Yisroel for 11 years and New York for 3 years. He received Semicha from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel in Hilchos Niddah, Shabbos, Eiruvin, and Milah V'Geirus, studying under the guidance of Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen at the Center for Kehillah Development in Jerusalem.

Passionate about sharing the joy of Torah learning with the next generation, Rabbi Katz moved to Chicago in 2021, where he took on the role of Chicagoland City Director for NCSY. In this capacity, he oversaw programming for Jewish public school teens, Jewish day school teens, and Jewish preteens in the NCSY Jr branch, while also facilitating regional programming. His dedication to inspiring youth also extended to the classroom, where he taught seniors Gemara at Ida Crown Jewish Academy, instilling in his students a deep love for learning and a strong connection to their heritage.

Rabbi Katz is also a seasoned Mohel with over 10 years of experience, having performed countless circumcisions and Bris Milahs across America, England, and Israel. Known locally as "The Chicago Mohel," his expertise and gentle approach have made him a trusted figure among Rabbis and doctors internationally. His website,, attracts people from diverse backgrounds who seek his skilled services. Rabbi Katz is committed to creating an atmosphere of warmth and joy during each Bris Milah, ensuring that parents feel prepared and relaxed, knowing that the circumcision is done with sterile equipment and the highest standards of hygiene and precision, so they can fully celebrate this special occasion with their loved ones.

As the Executive Director of Mikor Hachaim, Rabbi Katz leads the shul's operations with a focus on fulfilling its mission of fostering a deep connection to Hashem. He oversees finances, staff, and facilities, while also managing community engagement, graphics and media, facility maintenance, and relationships with vendors and renters of the social hall. Rabbi Katz maintains strong relationships with the board, members, and donors, and plays a key role in strategic planning, ensuring the financial stability of the shul, and developing programs that align with its values. He works closely with the Rabbis and staff to create meaningful educational, religious, and social programs for all ages, ensuring they resonate with both the mission of Mikor Hachaim and the diverse needs of its community.

Rebbetzin Tova (nee Goldstein) Katz is originally from New City, New York.  She attended school in Monsey and became a registered nurse. She now focuses her attention on the needs of her growing family.

Rabbi and Rebbetzin Katz have 5 children.

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785